Home > several different characters

several different characters

August 5th, 2010 at 03:25 am

Have you ever wondered if chi hair straightener's a way to powerlevel your way to 80 with multiple characters in World of Warcraft by yourself? You might have seen some of those crazy multiboxers who have ten different PCs set up in their room and play them all at the same time. Well, with RAF (refer-a-friend) leveling, you can actually blast your to 80 with several different characters of any classes you choose. This RAF leveling guide will show you how.

As a quick note, the recruit-a-friend system mbt shoes cheap was introduced by Blizzard several months back gave incredible bonuses to old and new players alike. RAF leveling is simple: you send an email invitation to WoW to someone, they start up a WoW account, and then you level together with triple exp bonuses until 59. And the best part is that for every level gained, the referred account gets to grant levels to a character on the original account, provided that character is in the same area, and is not above pink GHD referred character's level.

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